Frame Lines We Carry

  • Nike
  • Bebe
  • DB4K
  • Revo
  • Flexon
  • Draper James
  • Eddie Bauer
  • Michael Ryan
  • Lenton & Rusby
  • Fossil
  • Adin Thomas
  • Elle
  • Elements
  • Marchon NYC
  • Espirit
  • Scott Harris
  • Cinzia
  • American Optical
  • XXL
  • Cote D’Azur
  • Invu
  • Modo
  • Kate Spade
  • WileyX
  • OTP
  • ECO
  • Charmant
  • Under Armour
  • Lacoste

Hoya Media Lenses

Hoya builds a bridge between technology and experience with lenses designed for your digital lifestyle.

Digital devices have changed the world we live in today. The average American spends more than seven hours per day online across all devices. The extended time that we spend on digital media can cause digital eye strain, with 65% of Americans experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain. Nearly 30% of Americans do not know computer eyewear can protect against digital eye strain (DES)*

Our comprehensive eye exams include discussion and education about digital eye strain prevention and dry eye symptom solutions.

Visit with our opticians for more information on a Hoya media lens designed specifically for you.

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